About Us

Get to know us!

In Central Minnesota, Christ the King School has created a legacy of excellence, successful academics and a tight-knit and engaging community fostering growth and development of each one of our students.

At Christ the King School we not only teach academic literacy, but we also focus on character and personal development areas like:

Making the Right Choice and Feeling Confident in CTK

Catholic schools, like all educational institutions, prepare students for the future. Christ the King School committed to shaping that future by helping students understand fully, accept freely and live faithfully their Catholic heritage

Research reported by the National Catholic Educational Association as well as other independent organizations points to certain key factors that contribute to the overall success of Catholic schools nationwide.

Value-Oriented Learning

Schools with a values-oriented curriculum successfully shape character as well as intellect. Our students learn to respect, love and serve each other in a supportive environment emphasizing care and cooperation.

Creating a Community

Catholic schools are highly committed to creating a vibrant Christian community. Our students participate in traditions that strengthen their own faith development while encouraging them to become stewards of their broader communities.

Tradition of Strong Academics

Catholic schools have a tradition of providing a strong academic program and maintaining high expectations of students. Our students learn not only to master skills in specific subjects, but also to think critically and solve problems creatively.

Carrying on a Tradition

Catholic school teachers carry out the tradition by believing that all children can succeed. Parents who choose Christ the King School say they are most impressed with the dedication and talent of our teaching staff and their ability in turn to motivate students. By creating a safe and nurturing learning environment, our teachers help students gain self-confidence and self-esteem.