Board of Education
Board of Education members are elected by registered voters within the Parish of Christ the King. The Board of Education meets on the second Thursday of each month, August-June, at 7:00 p.m. in the school conference room.
Board of Education Members are charged with the direction of the Religious Education, and it’s solvency. Making personnel, financial, curricular, and other major decisions, the meetings they hold are worth attending whether you’re a parent or a parish member.
If you are interested in running for the Parish Board of Education, you can contact us for additional information.
Christ the King Parish Board of Education Members
- Chairperson: Ann Crosby
- Vice Chairperson: Anna Spandl
- Secretary: Sarah Plumski
- Board Members: Holly Norton, Wendy Schultz, Ryan Baron
- St. Joseph's Clarissa Liaison: Michelle Dotzler
- Faith Formation: Beverly Geraets and Ryan Perish

Minnesota Nonpublic School Accreditation Association
Christ the King Catholic School is fully accredited through Minnesota Nonpublic School Accrediting Association (MNSAA),
the largest accrediting association for nonpublic schools in the State of Minnesota.
MNSAA accredits over 170 K-12 schools.

Accreditation of CTK school through MNSAA helps to guide and ensure that we as a school community are:
- Establishing high standards of quality and excellence for the learning process
- Pursuing continuous improvement within our school community
- Participating in an extensive self-evaluation and visionary strategic plan for improvement for our school every seven years
MNSAA seeks to assist member schools in developing and maintaining the highest possible educational standards that promote student growth and school improvement. MNSAA assists member schools in preserving vital freedoms which enable them to practice their various philosophies of education and to thrive in a pluralistic society.
Christ the King Catholic School is accredited through MNSAA.
To view our accreditation report please contact us.